Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Phase 1 CEEA-110

Course Name: Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Phase 1
Course Number: CEEA-110
Category: Engineering Technology & Applied Science
Description This course will introduce you to the full set of requirements and tasks for the completion of the Environmental Site Assessment Phase 1. This phase addresses contaminated sites and standards for evaluating the environmental liability associated with a real estate. The course will be divided into three parts: Part 1 will focus on preliminary site investigation including reconnaissance surveys (e.g. evidence of hazardous materials and fuel products) and reviewing history of the site (old aerial photographs, satellite images, city maps, past and present building permits, city planning records, topographic maps, gas maps, pipeline network, type of past heating systems); Part 2 will introduce professional non-intrusive investigation of soils, geology, and hydrogeology; Part 3 students will conduct regulatory research (Provincial and Federal regulation for site assessment, as well as US EPA regulations), practice interviews with land owners/ neighbors, and review documents from various environmental agencies. Learning will be enhanced through students participating in classroom exercises, workshops, group discussions and short presentations.
Register online at https://secure.centennialcollege.ca/webreg
Call Enrolment Services at 416-289-5300

Contact Email: AppliedScience.PT@CentennialCollege.ca
Contact Telephone: 416-289-5000 ext. 2188
Associated Programs
---1 - Environmental Site Assessment Courses
No Prerequisites required for this course
Section Cost Term Dates Meeting Times Campus Action
841 $319.38 202505 2025-05-06 to
Times Days
18:30 - 21:30 T
Morningside Campus Add
842 $319.38 202505 2025-06-24 to
Times Days
18:30 - 21:30 T
Morningside Campus Add
Legend for Days
M - Monday T - Tuesday W - WednesdayR - Thursday F - Friday S - Saturday U -Sunday
TBA - To Be Announced