Leadership and Ethics CEIL-911

Course Name: Leadership and Ethics
Course Number: CEIL-911
Category: Distance Learning
Description This course focuses on leadership and ethics in the 21st Century - identifying and exploring conventional and innovative leadership styles and personalities and the ethical system that compliments specific styles. An examination of ethical questions and situations facing the transportation industry will be undertaken. You will be exposed to a variety of leadership situations where leadership techniques, approaches, and ethical decision-making processes are presented. You will have the opportunity to examine your own leadership style and value system.
Associated Programs
7373 - Business Management - Sales
No Prerequisites required for this course
Section Cost Term Dates Meeting Times Campus Action
435 $276.73 202405 2024-05-14 to
Times Days
No times
OntarioLearn Full
415 $277.18 202409 2024-09-10 to
Times Days
No times
OntarioLearn Add
425 $277.18 202501 2025-01-14 to
Times Days
No times
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435 $277.18 202505 2025-05-13 to
Times Days
No times
OntarioLearn Add
Legend for Days
M - Monday T - Tuesday W - WednesdayR - Thursday F - Friday S - Saturday U -Sunday
TBA - To Be Announced