Intro to Supply Chain and Business Operations OMGT-129

Course Name: Intro to Supply Chain and Business Operations
Course Number: OMGT-129
Category: Business
Description This course provides an introduction to the study of operations management and is part of the
common first three semesters of post-secondary level business at Centennial College. It is
intended to provide background to the development of the operations management activity in
Canadian business. Students will explore various career choices in operations through reading,
class discussions and case studies. Students will apply the theories and concepts of operations
management to demonstrate their understanding of the impact of operations activities in
business life.
Associated Programs
2308 - Business (Online)
No Prerequisites required for this course
Section Cost Term Dates Meeting Times Campus Action
821 $371.94 202501 2025-01-08 to
Times Days
No times
Distance Online Add
Legend for Days
M - Monday T - Tuesday W - WednesdayR - Thursday F - Friday S - Saturday U -Sunday
TBA - To Be Announced