Introduction to Hybrid Vehicles CESD-109

Course Name: Introduction to Hybrid Vehicles
Course Number: CESD-109
Category: Transportation
Description This course is designed as an overview of hybrid and electric bus technology currently in use in the industry.
The emphasis of this course is on hybrid vehicles and the unique interaction between the internal combustion engine and the electric machine(s) of modern systems. Consumer concerns such as charging, range and user interfaces will be addressed to allow participants to better assist their customers. Students will explore the operation of all high voltage system components in greater depth including analysis of hybrid vehicle transmissions and different battery technologies. Vehicle high voltage safety systems will be discussed and entry level diagnostic methods with appropriate tooling will be introduced. Safe depowering procedures for hybrid vehicles will be reviewed and demonstrated in a lab setting.

Associated Programs
7999 - Hybrid/Electric Vehicle Certification
Section Cost Term Dates Meeting Times Campus Action
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Legend for Days
M - Monday T - Tuesday W - WednesdayR - Thursday F - Friday S - Saturday U -Sunday
TBA - To Be Announced