Volunteer Management Applied Management VOLM-104

Course Name: Volunteer Management Applied Management
Course Number: VOLM-104
Category: Distance Learning
Description In this capstone course, you will put the theory of previous courses into practice by completing a project focused on volunteer engagement. For current Manages of Volunteers the project will focus on a direct application to their current work. Non-Managers can chose a project or research topic that benefits another organization which engages volunteers. Pre-requisite: Volunteer Management Foundations, Spectrum of Engagement and Administration.
Associated Programs
Requires the following prerequisite(s):

VOLM-101 - Volunteer Management Foundations
VOLM-102 - Volunteer Management Spectrum of Engagement
VOLM-103 - Volunteer Management Administration
The prequisite(s) for this course are mandatory. You must meet this requirements before you will be able to register.
Section Cost Term Dates Meeting Times Campus Action
415 $289.52 202409 2024-09-10 to
Times Days
No times
OntarioLearn Add
425 $289.52 202501 2025-02-03 to
Times Days
No times
Distance Online Full
Legend for Days
M - Monday T - Tuesday W - WednesdayR - Thursday F - Friday S - Saturday U -Sunday
TBA - To Be Announced