Leadership and Inclusion: Understanding Todays Workplace CCLI-100

Course Name: Leadership and Inclusion: Understanding Todays Workplace
Course Number: CCLI-100
Category: Distance Learning
Description This introductory course provides participants with awareness of the importance and role of inclusive leadership in an increasingly globalized workplace. Through an examination of current practices, participants will determine the interrelationship between the dimensions of diversity, equity and inclusion. The Leadership and Inclusion program offers an opportunity to examine local and global trends in today's workplace, the impact of diversity on organizational culture, and the successful leadership strategies and practices that promote inclusion and diversity. Participants will assess their own roles as leaders, enhance self and other awareness, and build the leadership skills that are necessary to create an inclusive environment in a modern organization
Notes For further details and/or Corporate Training options, please contact Program Officer, Elaine McSorley at 416-289-5000, ext. 52228 or by email at emcsorley@centennialcollege.ca
Associated Programs
6730 - Leadership and Inclusion
No Prerequisites required for this course
Section Cost Term Dates Meeting Times Campus Action
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Legend for Days
M - Monday T - Tuesday W - WednesdayR - Thursday F - Friday S - Saturday U -Sunday
TBA - To Be Announced